2021, Number 3
The use of antibiotics in patientes with chronic kidney disease
Language: Spanish
References: 21
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Objective: To describe the use of antibiotics in hospitalized patients at the Institute of Nephrology during punctual observation.Methods: Observational, descriptive and cross-sectional study on the use of antibiotics in hospitalized patients at the “Dr. Abelardo Buch Lopez” Nephrology Institute; hospital specialized in the care of patients with chronic kidney disease. The medical records were reviewed and the data collected following the methodology developed by the WHO on the use of antibiotics in hospitals. Each ward that participated in the study was surveyed in one day. The data collected was structured by three levels: hospital, patient and antibiotic treatment. The statistical analyzes of the distribution of frequencies, absolute and relative frequencies were carried out using the Excel program.
Results: 63.6% of the patients used antibiotics, mostly in the high-risk ward. The predominant infection was symptomatic of the urinary tract followed by clinical sepsis with suspected infection of the bloodstream without laboratory confirmation. Empirical treatment predominated, and the follow-up of guidelines was higher than 57%. The 3rd and 4th generation Cephalosporins were the most widely used antibiotics.
Conclusions: Although the sample is small, it allows us to know information on the local epidemiology and the use of antibiotics at the center. Encouraging the use of the microbiological tool and the follow-up of the prescription guidelines for antimicrobials marks the correct route to increase the quality of care.
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