2021, Number 3
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Rev Acta Médica 2021; 22 (3)
Augmentation gluteoplasty with autologous fatty graft and activated plasma rich in platelets
Escobar VH, Expósito JA, Tamayo CAM, Lázaro SMA, Morales NJ, Valdés EMJ
Language: Spanish
References: 22
PDF size: 78.03 Kb.
Introduction: Plastic surgeons have faced the challenge of treating the various
deformities of the gluteal region, in search of the technique that provides
greater safety and better aesthetic results. The use of the fatty tissue of the
body is an option within the fillers. In recent years, a procedure has been
incorporated that consists of infiltrating plasma, rich in platelets, to increase
the survival of the autologous graft and reduce its reabsorption.
Objective: To describe the changes in gluteal volume after lipoinjection of the
autologous fat graft enriched with activated platelet-rich plasma.
Methods: A prospective descriptive study was carried out in patients who
attended the Plastic Surgery consultation of “Hermanos Ameijeiras” Clinical
Surgical Hospital from September 2013 to January 2016. The main variables
studied were the infiltrated fat volume (measured by ultrasound) and the
complications of the procedure. The analysis of variance test was applied for
repeated measures with intra-subjects contrast tests, the analysis of
differences with Bonferroni a posteriori. The sample consisted of 30 patients
who met the inclusion criteria.
Results: The permanence of the fat graft in the right gluteal muscle tissue was
94.4% and 95.6% in the left; 93% was permanent in the right gluteal
subcutaneous tissue and 92.5% in the left one. Only two cases were
Conclusions: The main changes in the volume of the autologous adipose tissue
graft plus activated platelet-rich plasma were noted in the first six months with
poor resorption and high graft survival, which showed greater permanence in
the muscular plane and evolutionary stability between the ages of six and
twelve months with few complications.
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