2021, Number 281
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16 de abril 2021; 60 (281)
Cytokine Storm, cause of death in critically ill patients with COVID-19
Peña CM, Morales RE, Valdés CMK
Language: Spanish
References: 33
Page: 1-7
PDF size: 322.67 Kb.
Introduction: the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus infection that causes COVID-19 can trigger an exaggerated reaction of the immune
system, called Cytokine Storm, which could cause the serious development of the infection and even the death of patients.
Objective: to describe the phenomenon of the Cytokine Storm in the immune response of the human body to infection by the
SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus as a cause of death in critically ill patients with COVID-19.
Method: A bibliographic review was carried
out using various theoretical synthesis methods. A total of 33 articles were selected from sources such as SciELO and Pub-
Development: When the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus enters the body, the immune system identifies it and attacks
it through antibodies, which try to eliminate the external factor and then go back. However, in some conditions, there is an
overactive immune reaction that causes an uncontrolled production of antibodies which not only attack foreign pathogens,
but can become confused and attack healthy cells and tissues of the body. This reaction, which is known as a cytokine storm,
could explain the severity in which critically ill patients developed the COVID-19 disease.
Conclusions: In critically ill patients
with COVID-19 an autoimmune reaction is triggered, causing inflammation in various tissues of the body. The most serious
damage occurs in the lung, and the remaining pathophysiologies are expected to be caused by a resulting cytokine storm that
disrupts the normal immune response.
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