2021, Number 281
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16 de abril 2021; 60 (281)
Periodontitis, a disorder beyond the gums
Larramendi BEM, Remón SAA
Language: Spanish
References: 26
Page: 1-6
PDF size: 277.56 Kb.
Introduction: periodontitis is an inflammatory disease that affects the tissues around the tooth which give it support and protection.
On many occasions, if it is not diagnosed and treated early, it can cause dental loss and can affect the general health
of those who suffer from it.
Objective: to describe the relationship between periodontitis and other diseases that affects the general
health of people.
Methods: a bibliographic search for 26 relevant articles was performed using prestigious databases and
electronic articles extracted.
Development: many studies show that periodontitis is associated with diabetes, cardiovascular
diseases, pathological processes of the nervous system and cancer, among others, confirming the need for its prevention from
an early stage.
Conclusions: there is increasing evidence that periodontitis is associated with an increased risk of diseases such
as serious cardiovascular diseases and some types of cancer or that it accelerates the progression of Alzheimer's disease in
patients diagnosed with this neurological disease. Therefore, it is important to prevent the appearance of periodontopathies,
thereby maintaining better individual health.
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