2021, Number 281
Considerations on robotics applied to surgery and especially cardiovascular surgery
Language: Spanish
References: 11
Page: 1-5
PDF size: 240.59 Kb.
Introduction: advances in computing and communications with medicine in general and surgery in particular have allowed a new chapter to emerge: robotic surgery. Objective: to characterize the general and current aspects of robotics applied to surgery and especially cardiovascular surgery. Method: a bibliographic review was carried out from the consultation of 11 scientific articles related to the topic: robotic cardiovascular surgery, which met the inclusion requirements. The sources of information consulted were: SciELO and within this database various journals, using as descriptors: Cardiology; Computer assisted surgery; General Surgery; for Spanish and English. Development: computing has evolved in such a way that today there is robotic surgery that becomes a field of enormous potential for the present and the future, showing as advantages the possibility of reaching places that the scientific community could not access before, although increases the operation time when compared to other more traditional ones. It represents a great impact in many specialties, especially cardiovascular. Conclusions: today, robotic surgery becomes a reality that guarantees a better future. Its advantages include that it improves precision, flexibility and control during operation. Disadvantages are less tactile sensation and limitation of procedures.REFERENCES
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