2021, Number 281
Catalog of vector images with medical importance in Cuba for epidemiological teaching
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 1-5
PDF size: 430.11 Kb.
Introduction: the teaching aids provide students with correct learning in a didactic way where the necessary content for their training is integrated. Objective: to create a catalog of vector images with medical importance in Cuba. Method: development study in the three careers grouped by the Chair of Hygiene and Epidemiology at the University of Medical Sciences of Las Tunas, during the period from October to December 2020. The universe consisted of 15 specialists and 60 students who were He applied a survey to them for the evaluation of the teaching environment. Descriptive statistics were used. Results: 81.7 % of the students and 93.3 % of the teachers assessed the quality of the teaching medium as adequate. According to the correspondence with the objectives of the subject, 78.3 % and 86.6 % of students and teachers respectively evaluated the medium as adequate. 90 % of the students and 93.3 % of the teachers considered it as feasible. Conclusions: a catalog of images on vectors with medical importance in Cuba was designed for epidemiological teaching that allows students to incorporate this knowledge in a didactic way. It was mostly valued in the categories of adequate, according to the proposed indicators, so its application was considered feasible.REFERENCES
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