2021, Number 281
ProNeuroMed, educational multimedia for the study of neurolinguistic programming applied to clinical practice
Language: Spanish
References: 16
Page: 1-6
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Introduction: neurolinguistic programming is the science that is responsible for studying the mental patterns of each person. Objective: to create an educational multimedia on neurolinguistic programming for medical students. Method: a technological innovation investigation was carried out at the Faculty of Medicine No. 1, University of Medical Sciences of Santiago de Cuba, from September 2018 to February 2019. A validation was carried out by a group of 20 experts and its effectiveness in a universe of 180 students through a questionnaire applied before and after using it. The multimedia was made through the Matchware Mediator 9.0 program. Results: ProNeuroMed was created, a multimedia made up of modules with thematic content, a glossary of terms, and image and video galleries. The experts rated the quality of production and the updated content of the product as high and that it provides total practical utility. Users gave positive evaluations of the designed multimedia. Before using ProNeuroMed, 62.7 % of the students showed a low level of knowledge, a relationship that was reversed after its application where 85 % reached a high level. Conclusions: ProNeuroMed proved to be an integrative teaching tool with practical utility and effectiveness in the teaching-learning process of neurolinguistic programming applied to medical practice.REFERENCES
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