2021, Number 281
QuisteSoft, software educativo para el estudio de quistes maxilares
Language: Spanish
References: 19
Page: 1-7
PDF size: 540.88 Kb.
Introduction: educational software is a computer program or environment created with the purpose of contributing or supporting the teaching process. Objective: to create educational software on maxillary cysts. Method: a technological innovation investigation was carried out in the Faculty of Stomatology belonging to the University of Medical Sciences of Camagüey, from September 2018 to March 2019. A universe of 30 students was studied, enrollment of the third year of the career. The ChreaSoft 3.4 program was used. Design support tools such as Adobe Photoshop CS3 v.10.0 and Microsoft Paint for the development of the product. The criteria of experts (n = 12) and users (n = 30) were determined, based on their interaction with the software, through an applied questionnaire. Results: 91.6 % of the experts agreed that the product has the potential to be used in teaching. More than 85 % of the students evaluated the ease of use of the software, the understanding of the content, the quality of the sections, the colors and the design well. All users satisfactorily evaluated the quality of the images that appear on the product. Conclusions: QuisteSoft turned out to be an easy-to-navigate product; It allowed the understanding of the subject and the selfstudy of the students. It is a relevant and useful tool to support the Oral Medicine I subject.REFERENCES
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