2021, Number 281
Characterization of preconception reproductive risk in women of childbearing age
Language: Spanish
References: 17
Page: 1-7
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Introduction: preconception reproductive risk is the probability that a non-pregnant woman has of suffering damage to herself or her product, if she is involved in the reproductive process. Objective: to characterize women of childbearing age with preconception reproductive risk from the family medical. Methods: cross-sectional descriptive observational study in women of childbearing age with preconception reproductive risk who belong to the family medical office No .15 of the Majibacoa municipality during 2020. The universe consisted of 72 women with preconception reproductive risk. The variables age, personal pathological history, social risk factors, use of contraceptive methods and control of preconception reproductive risk were studied. Results: 43.1 % of the women with preconception reproductive risk were adolescents. 20.3 % presented malnutrition, either by default or by excess. 23.6 % of these had a low level of education; 31.9 % had an unfavorable obstetric history of abortion. 37.5 % use the barrier method (condom) as a contraceptive method. 71.6 % of these women had no preconception reproductive risk control. Conclusions: adolescence, malnutrition, abortion, as well as the low educational level favor the appearance of reproductive risks. With the identification of these, a better control and follow-up of these patients is achieved.REFERENCES
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