2021, Number 281
Homeopathic treatments for subprosthesis stomatitis
Language: Spanish
References: 24
Page: 1-6
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Introduction: the installation of any type of stomatological prosthesis produces in some patients non-physiological modifications such as sub-prosthesis stomatitis. The high prevalence of this disease establishes the need to find beneficial treatment options for the health of individuals. Objective: to comparatively evaluate the effectiveness of borax and Arnica montana as homeopathic treatments for sub-prosthetic stomatitis. Method: a non-observational, quasi-experimental study was carried out during the period from December 2016 to December 2017 at the Santa Clara Specialties Stomatological Teaching Clinic. The universe consisted of 23 patients with a diagnosis of sub-prosthetic stomatitis who gave their consent to participate in the study. The entire universe was divided into two groups, one of them treated with borax and the other with Arnica montana. Results: it was obtained that the most affected ages were between 51 and 60 years, 72.7 % in those treated with Arnica Montana and 86.4 % of those treated with borax. More than 60 % of the patients had grade II lesion. 100 % of the patients treated with borax healed before the tenth day and those treated with Arnica after 14 days. Conclusions: both therapies are effective in the treatment of subprosthesis stomatitis; However, with borax, total remission of symptoms was achieved in less time than with Arnica montana.REFERENCES
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