2021, Number 281
Clinical-epidemiological characterization of patients diagnosed with human leptospirosis
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 1-5
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Introduction: the incidence of vector-borne diseases caused by infectious agents such as leptospirosis has increased in recent years. The study of the clinical-epidemiological behavior of this disease contributes to the development of strategies for the prevention and promotion of health styles in the communities. Objective: to describe the clinical-epidemiological behavior of leptospirosis. Method: an observational, descriptive, cross-sectional study was carried out at the General Teaching Hospital “Dr. Agostinho Neto” in the period January to December 2020. The universe consisted of 37 patients, working with their entirety. They were divided into two series according to the clinical forms of presentation of the disease; icteric form (series A) and anicteric (series B). The variables age, sex, clinical forms of presentation, origin, symptoms and signs were studied. Descriptive statics were used. Results: the largest number of patients belonged to the age group less than or equal to 30 years (32.4 %). The male sex predominated (70.3 %). The most representative clinical form was anicteric (series B) with a total of 21 patients (56.7 %). A predominance of patients from rural areas was observed in both series (56.8 %). 20.8 % of the cases presented fever as the most frequent symptom. Conclusions: when comparing both clinical forms, it was found that they are concordant in epidemiological aspects such as age, sex and origin; clinically they presented as a nonspecific febrile syndrome.REFERENCES
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