2021, Number 281
Clinical and epidemiologic characteristics of patients confirmed with COVID-19 in an area of health
Language: Spanish
References: 21
Page: 1-6
PDF size: 670.80 Kb.
Introduction: the quick expansion of the illness and the exponential increment of cases confirmed with COVID-19, forced to that the World Organization of the Health declared as pandemic. Objective: to characterize clinic-epidemic of the patients confirmed with the COVID-19, Policlinic Santa Cruz, March 2020 to April 2021. Method: It was carried out an observational, descriptive and traverse study, in patients confirmed with COVID-19 of all doctor’s office of Policlinic Santa Cruz, January 2020 - April 2021. Universe: 99 patients; all the patients were studied. The epidemic surveys were used. The variables were: age, sex, infection source, clinical manifestations, associate pathologies and evolution. It was used the percentage and the absolute frequency; as well as the arithmetic stocking and standard deviation for quantitative variables. Results: they prevailed the ages of 41 and 60 years (33.3 %) and feminine sex (56.6 %), with a stocking of 43.2 + 21.1 years; it was necessary the infection source in 68.7 %, where 88.9 % was autochthonous transmission, the rhinorrhea prevailed as clinical manifestation (42.4 %) and the cough (35.4 %), being identified the arterial Hypertension in 12.1% of the patients and it was obtained that 98% responded favorably to the treatment. Conclusions: the patients of middle age, female and hipertensives were more prevail to sick of COVID-19 with the autochthonous transmission. They were presented with rhinorrhea and cough and responded favorably to the treatment.REFERENCES
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