2021, Number 281
Medicine students' perception of peer teaching at a university in Mexico
Language: Spanish
References: 29
Page: 1-6
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Introduction: peer teaching is common in universities and allows students to teach their peers from the early academic years. During the COVID-19 pandemic, medical students have had to learn through online classes, but peer teaching has helped them overcome these educational challenges. Objective: to describe the experiences and perceptions of Medicine students about the peer teaching model. Method: an observational, descriptive and cross-sectional study was carried out. A self-conducted survey was applied integrating sociodemographic variables and personal experiences. It was shared among the medical students and the model was evaluated, the number of 366 students between 1-12 semester of the Autonomous University of Nuevo León was found as the minimum necessary sample. Results: 258 (61 %) women were identified, it was considered by 334 (79 %) that the instructors taught in a good or excellent way, it was referred by 333 (78.7 %) that they had a good or excellent clarity of the explanations. In addition, 295 (69.7 %) stated that the instructors explained better than the teachers almost always or always and 359 (84.9 %) explained that they felt satisfied with the instructors. The best rated departments were radiology (72.3 %) rating it as good, pathology (69 %) and embryology (68.7 %). Conclusions: It was found that the students' perception of the peer teaching model is positive, that it can serve to complement the teaching of teachers and can be very useful in the current pandemic situation.REFERENCES
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