2017, Number 22
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Inv Ed Med 2017; 6 (22)
Teamwork and academic performance on kinesiology students using team based learning
Delgado RM, Fasce HE, Pérez VC, Rivera FN, Salazar SP, Riquelme VC, Campos CI
Language: Spanish
References: 37
Page: 80-87
PDF size: 114.57 Kb.
Introduction: The team based learning (TBL) is an active learning strategy that encourages the
use of transversal skills (e.g. teamwork). Considering that defining learning goals, and planning
strategies, fulfilling specific tasks and assuming concrete roles to achieve said goals is essential
to TBL, promoting teamwork is to be expected.
Objective: To assess the relation between teamwork skills and academic performance of Physiotherapy
students of a private Chilean university who previously participated in a TBL course.
Method: Pre-experimental design. The TBL method was utilized over 5 sessions. Students (n=
51; 43.14% female; median age = 23.61 years) were divided in eight groups. A Likert-type scale
was used at the end of the course to evaluate teamwork. Performance was assessed using
individual and group test, and different application activities. Participation was voluntary and
subject to prior agreement.
Results: In terms of teamwork skills, students showed high team planning (80.9%) and communication
(68.8%) abilities, and low collaborative problem solving abilities (25.5%). Although
teamwork skills were not significantly correlated with the individual test, a direct correlation
with some of the group test and applications was assessed.
Conclusions: After the TBL sessions, Kinesiology students obtained high scores in the teamwork
scale. These results were likely to be expected, as the methodology allows the students to
develop teamwork skills, with the motivation of achieving common goals at the end of each
session and at the end of the course itself. The relation between teamwork and academic performance,
in some cases, showed that family background and challenging situations improved
Teamwork is a generic skill relevant in the process of training professionals. The TBL has the
potential to contribute to achieving this goal, although other experimental designs are required
to confirm it.
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