2021, Number 2
Characterization of patients with aphasia secondary to cerebrovascular disease
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 1-7
PDF size: 186.07 Kb.
Introduction: cerebrovascular diseases are one of the most frequent causes of mortality and disability worldwide.Objective: to characterize patients with aphasia secondary to cerebrovascular diseases treated in the rehabilitation service at Celia Sánchez Manduley Clinical Surgical Hospital.
Method: an observational, descriptive, longitudinal and retrospective study was carried out in patients with aphasia secondary to cerebrovascular diseases attended the rehabilitation service at Celia Sánchez Manduley Clinical Surgical Hospital, in the period between January-December 2020. The target group consisted of 15 patients, data were collected from the individual medical records and the information was processed in SPSS, using descriptive statistics.
Results: patients aged 60 years and over (53,33 %), female sex (53,33 %) and a history of hypertension (100 %) predominated. Of the patients, 93,33 % had cardiovascular disease of ischemic etiology (93,33 %) and 80 % had motor aphasia. In 93,33 % of the patients, intervention by speech therapists was early. Rehabilitation treatment was effective in 86,67 % of patients.
Conclusions: cerebrovascular disease occurred in older adults, with a higher incidence in female sex, and hypertension was present in all patients. Ischemic etiology was frequent, as well as motor aphasia. Early rehabilitation was a highly effective treatment.
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