2021, Number 2
Characterization of papillomatosis of the palate in patients with dental prosthesis
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 1-7
PDF size: 151.09 Kb.
Introduction: oral diseases constitute a public health problem due to their magnitude and severity. Among them is papillomatous hyperplasia of the palate or grade III sub-prosthetic stomatitis, which is very frequent in edentulous patients with maladjusted removable dental prostheses.Objective: to characterize the behavior of papillomatosis of the palate in patients with dental prostheses.
Method: an observational, descriptive and cross-sectional study was carried out in the Dentistry department at Hermanos Cruz Polyclinic; Pinar del Rio municipality. The target group comprised 263 patients with prosthesis rehabilitation between September 2018 and October 2020, choosing 43 patients by means of non-probabilistic intentional sampling. The clinical examination was performed through the methods of observation, palpation and exploration with the use of flat oral mirror, forceps, explorer and natural light source.
Results: female sex (53,5 %) and age group 70-79 years (46,5 %) predominated. Prolonged use of the prosthesis was the predominant risk factor both in patients affected to a greater degree (64,9 %) and in those affected to a lesser degree (27,9 %). There was a predominance of deficient oral hygiene in 62,8 %, with a higher incidence in those affected to a higher degree (37,2 %).
Conclusions: papillomatous hyperplasia of the palate in patients with prosthesis is common after the sixth decade of life, mainly in those with prolonged use of the prosthesis and deficient oral hygiene, which causes greater oral health problems.
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