2002, Number S2
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Arch Cardiol Mex 2002; 72 (S2)
National Registry of Acute Ischemic Coronary Syndromes in Mexico. [RENASICA]
Language: Spanish
References: 73
Page: 45-64
PDF size: 181.34 Kb.
This study assessed current practices in relation to coronary risk factors, therapy and its results in patients with acute ischemic coronary syndromes (AICS) with or without ST-segment-elevation myocardial infarction [MI], from data collected in the National Registry of AICS [RENASICA] in México; Eigh teen hospitals [2
nd. and 3
rd level of medical attention] recruited patients for the registry, 4,253 patiens were enrolled, 2,773 [65.2%] without AICSST segment elevation and 1480 [34.8%] patients with ST segment elevation MI. Chest pain was the main cause for seeking medical attention to an emergency service (90.5%) and 50% of the patients referred it in advance. AICS was mainly observed in men in their sixth decade of age. Age, ST segment depression [› 2 mm], CKMB [› 2 values above normal] and the extension of the coronary artery disease allow to predict mortality and the combination of mortality and myocardial infarction. Only 50.4% of the eligible patients with AICS and ST-segment-elevation myocardial infarction received thrombolytic therapy. Of the eligible cohort of AICS only 58% patients could an hemodynamic study be performed. In 55% of them, a percutaneous coronary intervention procedure was done (PTCA-Stent implantation). Aspirin [ASA] and heparin were prescribed in 70% of the patients at entry to the ward and the same percentage of AICS patients received ASA after discharge. Low molecular weight heparin and IIb/IIIa receptor platelet antagonists were used in a low proportion of patients. RENASICA provides information related to AICS patients that could help the mexican health authorities to apply better the health resources in the forthcoming future for the treatment of AICS.
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