2019, Number 2
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Revista Mexicana de Trastornos Alimentarios 2019; 10 (2)
Prevalence of muscle dysmorphia symptomatology and related factors in male university students
Sanchez-Castro AE, Cook-del Águila L, Yacila HGA, Tejada CRA, Reyes BMA, Mayta-Tristána P
Language: English
References: 53
Page: 185-195
PDF size: 206.09 Kb.
Muscle dysmorphia is an obsessive-compulsive disorder subcategorized as a body dysmorphic disorder.
Studies in Latin America have assessed the prevalence of muscle dysmorphia in bodybuilders
and gym users. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of muscle dysmorphia
symptomatology (MDS) and associated factors in university male students in Lima, Peru.
The participants (N = 618) had an average age of 21.0 years (DS = 2.3). We assessed MDS through the
Muscular Appearance Satisfaction Scale (MASS) and obsessive-compulsive disorders through the Yale-
Brown Scale Modified for Body Dysmorphic Disorders (BDD-YBOCS). We also tested participants
on their food consumption and physical activity (PA) frequency. The prevalence of MDS was 1.3% (IC
95% = 0.4-2.2%) . associated with factors such as intense PA defined as more than five hours per week
(PRa = 9.5; 95% CI = 1.1-84.4) and a hyperproteic diet (PRa = 1.3; 95% CI = 1.1-1.6). Thirty-two percent of
participants consumed protein supplements. Muscle dysmorphia is a disorder present in the general
population. However, more research must be done to understand how this is an emerging problem
in Latin America. Therefore, to influence its prevention and early identification among the university
population, it is necessary to deepen the understanding.
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