2019, Number 2
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Revista Mexicana de Trastornos Alimentarios 2019; 10 (2)
Mexican validation of the Sociocultural Attitudes Towards Appearance Questionnaire (SATAQ-3) in men undergraduate students
Castillo RI, Solano NS, Prieto SP, Rodríguez RAM, Sepúlveda GAR
Language: English
References: 64
Page: 173-184
PDF size: 213.82 Kb.
The Sociocultural Attitudes Towards Appearance Questionnaire-3 (SATAQ-3) is one of the instruments
used to measure the influence of mass media on adolescents, and is a useful instrument that
has been widely applied in different countries and translated to many languages. The present study
is the first validation of the Mexican version of the SATAQ-3 with a male college student sample.
A total of 148 students participated in the study (
M = 19.1,
SD = 2.14). A principal axis factor analysis
was used to evaluate the scale, yielding a poor result, due to the formation of an extra factor
with reverse-keyed items. Therefore, reversed key items were removed and a second analysis was
conducted. After removing reverse-key items, a four-factor structure was obtained: Pressures, Internalization-
general, Internalization-athletic, and Information. The internal consistency obtained
for SATAQ-3 was satisfactory (α = .81), however, it was slightly lower than the original. Regarding
the concurrent validation, the SATAQ-3 presented significant correlations with body dissatisfaction,
social perfectionism and psychological distress. SATAQ-3 is an appropriate instrument to measure
the internalization of aesthetic ideals and acceptance, among male college students in Mexico.
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