2021, Number 2
Alcoholism’s App: a way for increasing knowledge related to alcoholism
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 1-12
PDF size: 378.99 Kb.
Introduction: alcoholism nowadays is a rising problem in adolescent’s population. Objective: to certificate an App that contributes to increase knowledge related to alcoholism for the students of the Instituto Politécnico “General Luis A. Milanés Tamayo” in Granma. Method: in March 2019, at the Facultad de Ciencias Médicas in Bayamo, Granma, it was created an App for contributing on the students´ knowledge about alcoholism. Tools used were JClic and Gimpshop 2.8, with GPL/Linux license. To determine its efficacy, from February to March 2019 a cohort of 40 students of the total (397 students) were selected by stratified random sampling to be surveyed out. Results: 77.5% of the students, before the App usage, showed a low level of knowledge about concerning issue and a high level (90.0%) after the App implementation. Conclusion: the design and implementation of the Alcoholism App contributes to the students' appropriation of knowledge on the subject of alcoholism, who showed adequate satisfaction with its use.REFERENCES
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