2023, Number 1
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Aten Fam 2023; 30 (1)
Crisis, Functionality and Family Typology in Patients with Breast Cancer
Soto-Araujo P, Salazar-Orozco F, Ramírez-Leyva DH, Valle-Iribe C, Medina-Serrano JM, Flores-Lujano J
Language: Spanish
References: 23
Page: 9-14
PDF size: 165.66 Kb.
Objective: to describe the crisis, functionality and family typology in patients with breast cancer.
Methods: Analytical cross-sectional study, conducted between August and December 2021. The
sample consisted of 250 patients with breast cancer who met the selection criteria. The presence
of family crises was determined with the Holmes-Rahe test. Family functionality was assessed with
the Adaptability and Family Cohesion Evaluation Scale III. The family typology was determined
based on its conformation. We perform descriptive and inferential statistics. Odds ratio, Pearson’s
2 and Mann-Whitney U with 95% confidence intervals (p‹0.05) were used for bivariate analysis.
Results: the crisis frequency in patients with breast cancer was 89% (personal illness, changes in
sleeping habits, diet and family conditions), dysfunctional families were present in 58% and the
most frequent family typology was nuclear (63%).
Conclusion: a high percentage of patients
with breast cancer have family crises, which were generated during the disease process.
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