2021, Number 2
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Revista del Hospital Psiquiátrico de La Habana 2021; 18 (2)
Brief History of Wars and the Emergence of Military Psychiatric
Correa JM, Sariol ÁOL
Language: Spanish
References: 32
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Introduction: Wars are as old as the emergence of civilizations. The causes for their triggering are dissimilar, from the conquests of territories, economic factors, the solution of political or religious conflicts, personal ambitions to the most modern ones, such as the fight against drug trafficking or terrorism. They also constitute a favorable scene for the appearance of different psychiatric entities. It was in the Russia-Japan war (1904-1905) when psychiatry began to intervene on the battlefield for the first time, and it became more noticeable in the two world wars in the 20th century. However, its presence is not limited only to warlike conflicts, but once they are over, it also helped in the psychic consequences that appear in the postwar period.
Development: Although it had a few specialists who strayed from the Hippocratic Oath, the contribution of psychiatry to maintain and restore the mental health of combatants and the population in general is undeniable. This paper aims to state the historical background of wars, and their influence on the emergence of military psychiatry.
Conclusions: A review of the most recent medical and historical literature on the subject was carried out, and classic texts of obligatory reference were consulted. Psychiatry is a relatively young specialty that, although not exempt from errors, has an outstanding participation both in wars and in the subsequent recovery of health in the post-war period.
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