2019, Number 4
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Rev Med UAS 2019; 9 (4)
Skill in the diagnosis and treatment of dermatosis in the first level of care in Yucatán, México
Zapata GA, Solís TMV, Solís QW, Zapata VRE
Language: Spanish
References: 11
Page: 187-191
PDF size: 158.24 Kb.
Background: The primary care physician is obliged to recognize the main skin diseases in his medical training. However, there is
evidence of a lack of preparation of non-dermatologist doctors for the recognition and treatment of the main dermatoses.
and methods: Cross-sectional and descriptive study with 112 undergraduate MD from the University of Yucatán. We evaluated the
diagnosis and treatment of the 10 most frequent dermatoses in our country through an examination of clinical cases. Measures of
central tendency were calculated.
Results: 87 participants (77.6%) managed to identify 6 or more dermatoses. Only 16 participants
14.6% identified 90 or 100% of dermatoses. The pathologies with the greatest number of correct answers were, in descending order,
acne scabies and contact dermatitis. Basal cell and squamous cell carcinoma obtained the least number of correct answers. (31 .3%
and 25.9%).
Conclusion: The students were able to satisfactorily identify the most common dermatoses of the region; however,
there is a deficit in pathologies that require early diagnosis. The knowledge and clinical training in dermatology in primary care should be reinforced.
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