2021, Number 3
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Rev Nefrol Dial Traspl 2021; 41 (3)
Clinical implications of the accessory renal artery. A systematic literature review
Bernal-García M, Matamoros PLJ, Montaño PGS, Borda CMA
Language: Spanish
References: 41
Page: 214-228
PDF size: 235.55 Kb.
Objective: To establish some of
the possible surgical and clinical
implications related to the presence
of accessory renal arteries and their
relationship with relevant health
outcomes like resistant systemic
hypertension and acute rejection
of renal transplantation.
Systematic review of the literature
registered in the International
prospective register of systematic
reviews. Four blinded authors
carried out their search from 2008
to 2018, according to the inclusion
criteria, pre-established terms, and
combinations, in five databases and
the Zotero bibliographic reference
manager, quality assessment with
the Study Quality Assessment Tools,
from the National Heart, Lung, and
Blood Institute, and calculation of
Kappa indices.
Results: 32 selected
studies exceeded the minimum score
in the assessment of methodological
quality, revealing a low risk of bias.
The degree of agreement between
the reviewers was 0.81-1.0, interpreted as almost
perfect concordance. The characteristics of the
studies, according to the year of publication, were
considerable for the years 2013 and 2009. Most
of the studies were carried out in the United
States, followed by other countries. Based on the
outcomes, the following studies were found, six for
Systemic arterial hypertension and 26 for kidney
Conclusions: The presence of
accessory renal arteries is one of the possible
causes when assessing hypertension patients with
refractoriness to conventional treatment. For
its part, incidence of acute rejection and posttransplantation
loss of viability are near 20%
in patients treated with accessory renal arteries;
it is associated with urological and systemic
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