2022, Number 11
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Ginecol Obstet Mex 2022; 90 (11)
Atypical congenital syphilis with a double negative VDRL from the mother. A case report
Hernández-Muñoz EA, Serrano-Medina CA, Serrano-Medina JA, Sánchez-Rosales JL, Gutiérrez-Aguirre Ó, Jiménez-Cano SE
Language: Spanish
References: 25
Page: 924-932
PDF size: 261.86 Kb.
Introduction: Syphilis is a sexually transmitted infection acquired through blood
transfusion, by direct contact with an active lesion or by the vertical route. The infection
can be transmitted to the fetus at any time during pregnancy. Each year, 749,000
cases of congenital syphilis are reported worldwide. In Mexico, from 2007 to 2017,
1030 cases of congenital syphilis were reported (average of 90.6 cases per year). In 50
to 80% of cases there are maternal-fetal complications.
Objective: To report a clinical case of early congenital syphilis with bullous pemphigus
and desquamation at birth.
Clinical case: 25-year-old patient, with a history of four pregnancies, two deliveries
and one abortion, previously healthy, with prenatal control and negative VDRL and HIV
base, erythema with thick desquamation on the hands and feet, and generalized fine
desquamation. Suspecting congenital syphilis, 50,000 IU/kg of crystalline penicillin G
intravenously every 12 h was started. The suspicion of congenital syphilis was confirmed.
The patient was discharged with follow-up outpatient appointments.
Conclusions: Adequate prenatal screening, with one or two tests for syphilis, is
not sufficient to prevent the congenital form. Case analysis is necessary to find options
and implement public health strategies to prevent new cases.
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