2021, Number 2
Scientific production at Fermin Valdes Dominguez University Polyclinic in the period 2000-2019
Language: Spanish
References: 12
Page: 1-8
PDF size: 511.67 Kb.
Introduction: the scientific production of a sector or institution is represented by the set of publications generated in their respective fields.Objective: to describe the scientific production of the healthcare professionals from Fermin Valdes Dominguez Polyclinic between 2000 and 2019.
Methods: a bibliometric study of the articles published in scientific journals whose authors declared Fermin Valdes Dominguez Polyclinic as their institutional affiliation was conducted; analyzing productivity and visibility as indicators.
Results: nine scientific articles were published by professionals of the polyclinic throughout the 20 years analyzed. Pinar del Rio Journal of Medical Sciences was the most used for publication (88,9 %). The 66,7 % of the articles were cited and in 44,4 % the professionals from the polyclinic led the research. The average number of authors per article was two, and the specialties with more authors were Internal Medicine (25,7 %), Dentistry (22,2 %) and General Comprehensive Medicine (22,2 %). The topics most frequently dealt with dentistry-related sciences (44,4 %). According to the degree of productivity, one applicant was quantified and the rest as bystanders. Original articles were the predominant typology (n=7).
Conclusions: a low scientific production of the institution was reported in the period under study, where Pinar del Rio Journal of Medical Sciences was the final allocation to most of this production. Dentistry-related sciences contributed to the higher percentages of the topics and the authors published. Undertaking strategies to encourage the scientific production of the center, which is a goal that cannot be postponed.
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