2021, Number 2
Design of a virtual course responding to the Plan-E syllabus for medicine major
Language: Spanish
References: 23
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Introduction: alongside the globalization of education and the growth of technologies, universities have found new learning spaces in virtual education.Objective: to design a virtual course that responds to the Plan-E syllabus for Medicine major, empowering students with theoretical skills that lead to the strengthening of work practice in subjects that respond, in the second academic year, to the Comprehensive Medicine discipline at Granma Medical University.
Methods: a descriptive study was carried out during October-November 2020 granting the design of the corresponding course-III in Moodle platform, applying theoretical-empirical methods for the implementation of the final product. The phases used for progress were: didactic planning, creation and development of the classroom, planning of didactic materials and tutorials, tutoring and monitoring of the student and evaluation. Student-professor privacy in the virtual classroom was prioritized through a password for their entry to the virtual course.
Results: designed the corresponding course III -prevention of communicable diseases in the community- in the virtual classroom of Granma Medical University. It included six learning units, four with course content and two related to course generalization and final evaluation, the latter included a Wiki to assess the quality of the virtual course by students through its positive, negative and interesting aspects.
Conclusions: a virtual course was designed using the benefits of Moodle platform, to the corresponding Plan-E syllabus, for the third semester of Medicine major; thus achieving greater flexibility in the syllabus, better consolidation of the contents on issues that burden the territory from the point of view of prevention.
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