2021, Number 4
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Rev Nefrol Dial Traspl 2021; 41 (4)
The effects of tacrolimus and mycophenolate mofetil on regression of encapsulating peritoneal sclerosis in a rat model
Huddam B, Sasmaz S, Haberal N, Azak A, Gibyeli GD, Kocak G, Karakus V, Alp A, Duranay M
Language: English
References: 27
Page: 264-274
PDF size: 566.60 Kb.
Objective: Encapsulating peritoneal
sclerosis (EPS) is a rare, but potentially
fatal complication of peritoneal
dialysis. Currently, treatment of
peritoneal fibrosis is not fully possible
yet. In this study, we aimed to
demonstrate the effects of tacrolimus
therapy on peritoneal fibrosis and
inflammation when administered
alone or with mycophenolate
mofetil (MMF) in the EPS model
induced in rats.
Methods: Thirty
six Wistar albino rats were separated
into six equal groups. Group I was
the control group. Group II-VI
were administered intraperitoneal
chlorhexidine (CH) for induced
EPS model in rats. Group II, IV,
V, VI were administered isotonic
liquid, tacrolimus, tacrolimus and
concurrently with CH, tacrolimus
and MMF together, respectively.
Group III was not administered any
drug. All peritoneal samples were
stained immunohistochemically
with matrix metalloproteinase-2
(MMP-2) antibody. Thickness of
peritoneal fibrosis, subserosal large
collagen fibers, subserosal fibroblast
proliferation and subserosal
fibrotic matrix deposition were
Results: Comparing the
experimentally induced EPS groups,
the best histopathological results and
the largest staining with MMP-2 were
achieved in Group VI. Furthermore,
in all treatment groups (IV, V, VI)
more staining with MMP-2 was
detected compared to non-treatment
groups (I, II, III) but no statistically
significant differences were found
among all groups. A statistically
significant remission was observed
in all histopathological parameters,
primarily peritoneal thickness in
rats that were administered MMF
with tacrolimus, compared to rats
which were administered tacrolimus
Conclusion: Concurrent use
of tacrolimus and MMF in the
treatment of EPS may be a promising
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