2021, Number 2
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Rev Cub de Tec de la Sal 2021; 12 (2)
Information and communication technologies in times of covid-19: the challenge of medical education
García HKC, Arenas GR, Valcárcel IN, Hidalgo MR, Massanet QT, Lima SL
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 176-183
PDF size: 451.43 Kb.
Introduction: the escalation of COVID-19 in the world has led to a change in the routine of all affected countries. This has generated improvisations in educational policies. The study addresses the need to adopt flexible teaching-learning models in Medical Education caused by the health crisis, especially those related to Information and Communication Technologies.
Objective: to argue the use of Information and Communication Technologies for the continuity of studies during the COVID-19 pandemic, from the training process.
Development: the necessary transformations in education in these times of health crisis should not be based exclusively on the technical potential of Information and Communication Technologies, but on a new learning model that takes into account the active role of the subject in the construction of knowledge, and teacher-student and student-student interaction in the training process.
Conclusions: the use of ICTs for the continuity of studies during the COVID-19 pandemic was argued, from the training process. That enables the teacher to direct the process, improve teaching quality, and face the challenges imposed. In addition to the development of a new conception of the PEA where the student is the active subject.
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