2021, Number 2
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Rev Cub de Tec de la Sal 2021; 12 (2)
The epidemiology of pandemics
Lazo PMA, Paredes ORV, Columbié PM, Monteagudo SV, Mantecón LO, Díaz-Salazar W
Language: Spanish
References: 22
Page: 147-155
PDF size: 661.66 Kb.
Introduction: in the history of diseases and pandemics, it is clearly identified that man's first reaction has always been one of fear of the unknown, and the second has been aimed at finding solutions.
Objective: to argue the behavior and history of pandemics, as well as the factors related to the appearance throughout the humility.
Development: since the Bible there is a speech of the existence of pandemics, which hit the population before Christ. At the beginning, the appearance was more related to the mystical, while from Hippocrates more importance began to be given to science in this matter. A pyramid of the historical journey of pandemics in the world is presented, reaching the present day with the COVID-19 pandemic. It is recognized that the causes of diseases, epidemics and pandemics are multiple. The scope in relation to mortality is determined by the epidemiological hygienic measures that are adopted, by changes in the ways and styles of life.
Conclusions: the behavior and history of pandemics were argued, as well as the factors related to the appearance throughout humanity. In addition to the direct relationship with the care and conservation of the environment.
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