2021, Number 2
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Rev Cub de Tec de la Sal 2021; 12 (2)
Ethics and university communication. visions and perspectives for institutional change
Santana BOP
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 66-74
PDF size: 637.04 Kb.
Introduction: the events and exchange of knowledge that is perceived in the universities of the XXI century constitute scenarios of constant learning for social transformation. This educational environment as a cultural process demands systematic and timely professional ethics in the training of human values, to achieve competitive students in society. Communication is of singular importance as a teaching-learning process of content and study programs taught in higher education.
Objective: to argue about ethics and communication in the context of the new Cuban university, for the formation and instruction of human values from a dialectical materialist conception.
Development: ethics and communication can play a substantial role in the creative and investigative activity of the knowledge that must be continued from the university, coupled with scientific-technological advances, and the call to change what must be changed. Increasingly significant communication, to achieve authentic learning, which allows building spaces for the exchange of knowledge today.
Conclusions: it was argued about ethics and communication in the context of the new Cuban university, for the formation and instruction of human values from a materialist dialectical conception in constant updating and effectiveness.
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