2021, Number 2
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Revista Cubana de Salud y Trabajo 2021; 22 (2)
Bernardino Ramazzini (1633-1714) and his comprehensive lesson in occupational risks prevention, workers health protection and promotion
Franco G
Language: Spanish
References: 27
Page: 65-69
PDF size: 1208.24 Kb.
Introduction: Bernardino Ramazzini, an academic at the School
of Medicine of Modena, lived in the second half of the 17th century.
Although his work is remembered mainly for being the first systematic
contribution to knowledge of occupational diseases, it deserves more
detailed and complete consideration. This essay aims to illustrate his
visionary commitment to visiting workplaces, identifying health
threats, suggesting measures to prevent risks, and protecting workers'
Development: Many aspects of his thinking can be recognized:
understanding the association between environment and health; suspect the environmental origin of each disease; propose interventions
aimed at risk protection; provide appropriate recommendations for a
healthy lifestyle; and suggest a relevant strategy to combat a devastating bovine plague epidemic that was taking place at the time.
Conclusion: Ramazzini had a broad vision covering multiple aspects from:
observations of health disorders to studies on air and climate impact;
from workplace inspection to recommendations for effective health
protection; from proposals for personal protective devices to advices
on lifestyle behavior. His scientific stature is evident in the modernity
of his thinking in light of the current trend of occupational and public
health that requires a strong alliance and a better integration with other
medical and non-medical fields.
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