2021, Number 2
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Revista Cubana de Salud y Trabajo 2021; 22 (2)
The movement of the forum of science and technology in the national institute for workers’ health of Cuba
Pastor AME, Linares FTME, Rabelo PS, Hernández RJS, Rabelo PG, Almirall HPJ, Ibarra FVEJ
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 58-64
PDF size: 251.99 Kb.
Introduction: Over the past 30 years, the Science and Technology
Forum’s Movement has been strengthened with production, services,
research and teaching centers; it has created an important space for
increasing creativity and developing worker initiatives, solving problems, and increasing efficiency; it is a well-deserved recognition to
those who stand out for their contributions to scientific activity and it
is an incentive for the generalization of proven solutions. In the health
sector, it is of paramount importance for foreign currencies savings
and imports substitution, depending on human health. At the National
Institute of Workers' Health, an entity of science, technology and
innovation, sustained work is observed in the care of this activity.
Development: Compliance with the indicators established by the
Forum's governing institutions during 2000-2020 has enabled to
establish an organized, continued and upstream process, both qualitatively and quantitatively. Institutional activities are carried out with the
preparation of the problems bank, elaboration of the plans for generalization and organization of the base event. The results of the lectures
presented in the five-year period 2015-2019 are shown to the different
Conclusions: The importance of the Forum's activity for
the country's development is confirmed. The institution has a notable
work in the fulfillment of these tasks that justifies obtaining and
ratifying the status of outstanding entity at the municipal and provincial levels in the last 5 years.
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