2021, Number 2
The professional overcoming and training component in the confrontation with covid-19
Language: Spanish
References: 17
Page: 50-57
PDF size: 295.59 Kb.
Introduction: Professional improvement and the training process do not escape being at the epicenter of the health emergency conditioned by COVID-19, an entirely new disease whose attention demands preparation from medical or not medical personnel, from workers in the health sector or not, to deal with this contingency.Objective: Describe the actions implemented and taken in the training process carried out in Arroyo Naranjo municipality, in the period February-May 2020 and their results in the confrontation with COVID19.
Methods: Cross-sectional descriptive study of the training process that was implemented in the health sector’s teaching scenarios of the territory, structured in three stages. Two fundamental variables were studied: activities taught and the number of graduates, total number of reports issued by the units, by using descriptive statistics techniques for data processing.
Results: 9 core activities were developed, which were decentralized towards the health scenarios of the municipality: 2 in the first stage aimed at health professionals and students, with 1,553 and 1,613 trained people, respectively; 3 in the second with 11,244 trained people by diversifying the audience in and out of health institutions; 4 in the third where training was specialized through highgrade of update materials, with an emphasis on protocols, rapid testing and biosafety.
Conclusions: The activities carried out were crucial in the imminent training of health personnel and in the education required by the population for prevention. A wide sample group trained with innovative resources to achieve this was obtained.
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