2022, Number 5
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Acta Pediatr Mex 2022; 43 (5)
Interobserver reliability of the “POFRAS” instrument for the initiation of oral feeding in hospitalized premature infants. Popayan-Colombia
Muñoz-Zambrano I, Cárdenas-Camayo Y, Cháves-Peñaranda MC
Language: Spanish
References: 16
Page: 270-279
PDF size: 238.82 Kb.
Background: Currently, speech therapists in Colombia do not have standardized tests
that allow them to clearly establish the right time to start oral feeding of the newborn; For
this reason, the international test POFRAS (Preterm Oral Feeding Readiness Assessment
Scale), could be of great help in this evaluation process if it is validated in this country.
Objective: To establish the interobserver reliability of the POFRAS instrument, in
the evaluation of the initiation of oral feeding in premature infants, in the NICU of
Hospital San José.
Material and Methods: Quantitative descriptive concordance study, in which 2
speech therapists participated from the San José de Popayán Hospital participated,
evaluating twenty premature infants, selected by non-probabilistic sampling, with prior
establishment of ethical aspects.
Results: An agreement proportion of 74% was obtained, indicating a good coincidence
between the two evaluators in the rating of the items in premature infants. To determine
concordance, weighted Kappa was used in each item; it was found in the evaluation
of behavioral organization, the general tone with value k=0, 76, state of consciousness
k=0, 53 and global posture k=0, 51, with an excellent and good concordance. In oral
reflexes, sucking reflex was k=0, 74, rooting reflex k=0, 59, bite k=0, 55 and gag k=0,
57; here the concordance was good. In non-nutritive sucking and in signs of stress,
the kappa values showed good agreement. In oral posture, a concordance with values
regular was observed. The Kappa Coefficient of the instrument was k=0, 52 classified
as "good" concordance.
Conclusion: The POFRAS test has a "good" reliability to establish the initiation of oral
feeding in the neonatal population.
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