2021, Number 2
Organizational climate and leadership at a Mexican public health institute
Language: Spanish
References: 19
Page: 1-19
PDF size: 628.76 Kb.
Introduction: Management style and organizational climate are important elements that tend to influence how workers perform work activities and how they care for the patient or user.Objective: Determine leadership styles and organizational climate based on communication, which prevails in workers at a Mexican public health institute in the central area of the country.
Methods: Quantitative, descriptive, correlational and transactional research. The questionnaire "Instrument for The Measurement of Organizational Climate and Leadership" was applied to subordinate workers and managers working at a public health institute in the central area of the country. A Cronbach Alpha reliability coefficient of 0.86 was obtained.
Results: A total of 152 workers and 16 managers show a trend related to the existence of a "regular" climate quality for the whole area and a type of "autocrat consulting" leadership and "consensus manager".
Conclusions: When results are obtained with low organizational climate levels, it is common that communication problems are more evident within the company. This results in inadequate communication between bosses and workers, resulting in instability of the working climate, mostly driven by the leadership style used.
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