2021, Number 2
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Revista Cubana de Salud Pública 2021; 47 (2)
Proposals of psychosocial research generated from international collaboration
Fabelo RJR, Huedo MT, Fernández CE, Iglesias MS, Rosen A
Language: Spanish
References: 35
Page: 1-18
PDF size: 735.80 Kb.
Academic and scientific-technical cooperation in the area of behavioral sciences covers topics such as psychosocial well-being, health promotion and prevention of chronic diseases. Based on this, between 2016 and 2018, systematic exchanges were developed between psychologists from several academic and health institutions from Cuba and the University of Connecticut, with the aim of promoting cooperation in the area of health psychology.
To describe the main psychosocial research proposals generated, between 2016 and 2018, from the scientific-technical collaboration between Cuban professionals and researchers from the University of Connecticut.
A qualitative research was developed, with an ethnographic design. Key informants were chosen from among Cuban and US researchers. The techniques used were participant observation, in-depth interview, and document analysis.
Several research proposals were developed that led to the development of preventive psychosocial interventions. Studies were promoted aimed at recognizing the significance of health social determination in the prevention of chronic diseases. Ten studies were taken into account, as they were aimed at the prevention and care of addictive disorders that were developed during the years 2017 - 2018.
During the meetings held, proposals were made that led to the implementation of successful individual and community preventive interventions. From the international scientific-technical collaboration and the application of actions that promote information, motivation and the formation of behavioral skills, the development of preventive behaviors is promoted.
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