2002, Number S1
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Arch Cardiol Mex 2002; 72 (S1)
Participation of nursing personnel in the coordination of organ transplants
Aguilar MC, Suárez VMG, Pinson GAG
Language: Spanish
References: 12
Page: 241-246
PDF size: 60.20 Kb.
The significant growth and development in the field of transplantation has enabled people who suffer from a terminal disease to live longer and with a better quality of life. However, there is still a lack of sensibility for organ/tissue donation in our society. The list of people waiting for an organ grows every day, but not the list of donors. The truth is that without a donor, there is no transplant. Nurses play an important role in this process. They have the knowledge, clinical experience, and management skills to collaborate, organize, and implement specific activities in the transplant process. These activities will be explained in this article. Transplant Coordinator Nurses have the potential to develop their skills in different areas of nursing: patient care, research, teaching and humanism.
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