2021, Number 2
Most common causal microorganisms and risk factors based on the classification of neonatal infections
Language: Spanish
References: 39
Page: 1-21
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One way to achieve more effectiveness in therapeutic decisions related to newborns with infections is to be aware of the most common causal microorganism, depending on the type of infection the patient is suffering. Therefore, the physician should be familiar with the microbiological map of the institution where he/she works and be updated in the spectrum of common microorganisms reported by the literature, as well as those emerging and re-emerging. The current status of frequency reports of causal microorganisms in newborns with infections, taken from national and international literature, is reviewed to guide the assistance physician on the most likely possible causal microorganism based on the patient's clinic and also to use the classification of infections as a tool that provides guidance on the agents that most often affect the newborn patients, and associated risk factors. It is concluded that this approach that allows the assistance physician to be more effective in the decision of treatment to follow is feasible and beneficial. It is the physician’s duty to be familiar with the microbiological map of the institution where he/she works and be updated on the spectrum of common microorganisms reported by the literature, as well as those emerging and re-emerging.REFERENCES
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