2021, Number 2
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Arch Med 2021; 21 (2)
Burnout, psychological discomfort and life satisfactionin police officers during the health contingencydue toCOVID-19: an exploratory study
Rojas-Solís José-Luis, Hernández-Corona Manuel-Edgardo, García-Ramírez Brandon-Enrique-Bernardino, López-Cortés Vicente-Arturo
Language: Spanish
References: 46
Page: 556-566
PDF size: 280.63 Kb.
Objective: burnout syndrome is a condition that arises from the excessivedemand for energy, resources and availability of workers, which has repercussions on theintegrity of those who suffer from it. therefore, the objective of this exploratory study, untilnow pioneering, was to analyze the degree of burnout syndrome, psychological distress andsatisfaction with life in a sample of mexican police officers during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Materials and methods: a non-experimental, cross-sectional study was carried out, withexploratory, descriptive and correlational scopes; 27 policemen from the state of Puebla[Mexico] participated, with ages between 19 and 43 years. the Maslach Burnout Inventory-Human Services Survey, the Kessler’s Psychological Distress Scale and the Satisfaction withLife Scale were used.
Results: a high prevalence of depersonalization stands out in 81,5% ofthe sample; low personal fulfillment, 55,6%; and a high emotional exhaustion, in 37%; 63%indicated moderate psychological distress and 51,9%, high satisfaction with life. Similarly,partial associations were identified between the included variables.
Conclusions: it issuggested to develop new research aimed at detecting and promoting protective factors,defense mechanisms and corresponding treatments to reduce the rates of burn syndrome atpolice work.
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