2022, Number 22
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CuidArte 2022; 11 (22)
Case series on home care for adults with cerebrovascular disease
Pratz AMT
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 74-84
PDF size: 118.21 Kb.
Introduction. Cerebrovascular disease is one of the leading causes of mortality and disability in the world,
people with this condition have various physical limitations that prevent them from performing activities of daily
living. Therefore, the aim of this project was to implement a home care program for adults with cerebrovascular
disease, which sought to achieve the highest possible level of functionality, reducing incapacity, and increasing
independence, in collaboration with the family.
Case presentations. The participants were patients who
had presented a cerebrovascular event in the six months prior to admission to the care program, which was
developed in the city of Guanajuato, where the participants allowed access to their homes to be provided with
personal care, rehabilitation, occupational therapy, and prevention of pressure ulcers, in accordance with the
code of ethics that governs the health professional. The program lasted ten weeks, in which eight people and
their families participated, four of them could reduce their neurological deficit, two improved their score on
the NIHSS scale; the functionality of the people improved and there was no presence of ulcers.
Rehabilitation is a priority for the recovery of the patients, so it must start from the hospitalization period.
Likewise, the intervention at home allowed the care to be personalized to each person and family needs,
allowing to contribute to the recovery, rehabilitation, and reincorporation of the patient to their daily lives.
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