2021, Number 2
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Rev Cub Oftal 2021; 34 (2)
Cryophacoemulsification in cataract surgery
Jiayue W, Hernández SJR, Hernández RH, Ramos LM, Fu Q
Language: Spanish
References: 34
Page: 1-25
PDF size: 460.25 Kb.
Objective: Demonstrate the effect of cryophacoemulsification in cataract
surgery as a way to improve patient visual quality and quality of life.
Methods: An analytical prospective study was conducted of a case series of 43
eyes with cataract. Statistical analysis was based on mean and standard
deviation descriptive techniques. In results not compared, a chi-square test
with 95% significance and p< 0.05 was considered to be statistically significant.
Results: Of the patients studied, 67.44% did not feel any pain and reported very
mild pain during blepharostat placement, clear corneal incision and intraocular
lens placement; 62.79% were females aged over 70 years; 51.16% had NO3
nuclear hardness by LOCSIII; color vision improved in 90.70%; contrast
sensitivity improved in 58.14%; in 72.09% the refractive cylinder was smaller
than 0.5 diopters; in 93.02% best corrected visual acuity was 0.8-1.0;
pachymetry showed significant differences at the end; mean endothelial cell
loss was 274.16 cel/mm2; mean hexagonality was reduced 3.42%, and the VF-
14 index was very good in 100% of the patients one month after surgery.
Conclusions: Cryophacoemulsification is safe and effective, reduces the
inflammatory effects of surgery on the cornea and achieves a high level of
patient satisfaction.
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