2022, Number 2
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2022; 25 (2)
SCIRL-20: Adaptation of the scale of commitment, intimacy, romance and love in a sample of Chile
Maureira CF
Language: Spanish
References: 14
Page: 649-659
PDF size: 278.39 Kb.
The scientific study of love in couple relationships date back to
the last century, with different theoretical models and various
instruments for its evaluation. The objective of this study is to
know the psychometric properties of SCIRL in a sample of
Chileans/as. For this, the Scale of Commitment, Intimacy,
Romance and Love was evaluated to a sample of 264 people
who lived in the city of Santiago de Chile. The results show that
the four reduced subscales present validity and reliability indices
similar to the original subscales. It is concluded that it is possible
to reduce the number of SCIRL questions without losing relevant
information, proposing a scale of 20 items to measure the four
components of the couple relationship.
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