2022, Number 2
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2022; 25 (2)
Psychometric analysis of the motivation and strategies learning questionnaire (short form)
Garcia SHD, Sancio LRA, Leporati MJL
Language: Spanish
References: 22
Page: 627-648
PDF size: 408.83 Kb.
This research sought to verify the psychometric properties of the
Motivation and Learning Strategies Questionnaire (Short form)
through an intentional sample of 180 university students who are
studying Speech Therapy and Special Education at the National
University of San Luis, Argentina. It was an instrumental study and
whose first results yielded adequate reliability indices for the
Learning Strategies construct, although for Motivation, the
Cronbach's Alpha values noted some inconsistency in its structure.
The exploratory factor analysis allowed the extraction of two
components for Motivation and seven for Learning Strategies, also
corroborating that, in the constitution of each factor, the grouping of
the items differed significantly from the original version studied.
These results suggest a questionable validity of construct and
content on the part of the instrument, which aims to reject its use in
this population, and invokes the need for further studies to
investigate the psychometric characteristics of the full version in our
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