2022, Number 2
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2022; 25 (2)
Evaluation and diagnosis of a case of autism
Damián DM
Language: Spanish
References: 30
Page: 464-479
PDF size: 324.53 Kb.
The present article aims to present the evaluation and diagnosis in a case
of autism. Different evaluation tests were integrated such as psychological
interview, audiological study, scale of setting, diagnostic tests, profile of
language development in social interaction (Riviere, unpublished), EEG
electroencephalogram, Riviere's scale for the diagnosis of autism (1988).
Standardized test to obtain development coefficient Brunet-Lézine (1975),
Instrument for the Detection of Psychological Development (IDDP Damián
1993), and finally the use of filming in free and semi-structured situations.
With the analysis and integration of these evaluations, the diagnosis of
autism was confirmed. Since the girl's behaviors are classics of autistic
children, taking into consideration that autism implies a triad of
deficiencies that correspond to social relationships, communication and
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