2022, Number 4
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Rev Salud Publica Nutr 2022; 21 (4)
Determination of the nutritional status and its relationship with albumin in the older adults of Tlaxcala.
Reyes MEF, Zayas Serrano EC, Sánchez FT
Language: Spanish
References: 17
Page: 43-47
PDF size: 134.77 Kb.
Introduction: Nutritional status is related to aging. Objective: To determine the relationship between albumin levels and
nutritional status in older adults from Tlaxcala.
Material and method: Cross-sectional study, in 31 people aged 60 to 65
years; 22.5% men and 77.5% women, albumin and BMI were determined, using the Mini Nutritional Assessment (MNA)
Results: 74.20% had low albumin levels, 58.1% were overweight/obese, 9.7% were malnourished, and 67.7%
were at risk of malnutrition due to MNA.
Conclusions: At a general level, malnutrition prevailed, albumin values correlate
with the different methods of anthropometric measurement of nutritional status.
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