2022, Number 4
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Rev Salud Publica Nutr 2022; 21 (4)
Effect of unhealthy food marketing on taste preferences in schoolchildren
Nessier MC, Cruz MV, Autelli A, Altamirano J, Grimaldi J, Marconi A
Language: Spanish
References: 32
Page: 23-31
PDF size: 198.04 Kb.
Introduction: The food choice is related to taste preferences and eating habits learned in childhood.
Objective: To evaluate
the effect of marketing strategies for unhealthy food packaging on the taste preferences of first grade students from
elementary schools in the City of Santa Fe, in 2019.
Material and method: Intervention study. Through a non-probabilistic
convenience sampling, two elementary schools from different socio demographic levels in the city of Santa Fe were selected.
Forty-five children of both sexes participated. They were evaluated anthropometrically and participated in the tasting of three
pairs of food products, each one presented with its original container and another identical, but white or gray. It was assessed
if the taste of each food pair was the same or different. If there was a reported difference, they were asked to indicate the
product with the preferred flavor. A self-administered questionnaire inquired about consumption habits and the family
Results: 86% of the students evaluated anthropometrically presented excess of weight. Most participants
found no difference in taste. Among those who answered that the taste was different, 68% belonged to a more vulnerable
social stratum. In addition, more than 90% of boys and girls that perceived a difference in the taste of the product preferred
the original packaging.
Conclusions: The results of this study, carried out for the first time in Argentina, reinforce the debate
on the relevance of a policy that regulates food advertising aimed at children.
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