2022, Number 3
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Sal Jal 2022; 9 (3)
Enfermedad por arañazo de gato ¿Porque solo Jalisco reporta la mayoría de los casos? Parte 2
Martinez-Arce P, Reyes-Gómez U, Aquino-Villagómez DN, Reyes-Hernández KL, Reyes-Hernández MU, Espinosa-Sotero C, Hernández-Magaña R, Sánchez-Navarro LM, Echeverria-Mayrén C, Guerrero-Becerra M, Matos-Alviso LJ, Pérez-Pacheco O, Cuevas-López LL, Reyes-Cruz MA
Language: Spanish
References: 32
Page: 182-188
PDF size: 207.38 Kb.
Cat-scratch disease in Mexico is poorly diagnosed, this
second part talks about complementary paraclinical
methods to support its diagnosis and diff erential
pathologies especially in the etiology of adenopathies. It is
complemented with the current treatment of the disease
considering azithromycin with the drug of choice. Th eir
prognosis and primary preventive care measures are
reviewed, which mainly includes those who have felids as
pets receive a comprehensive management that includes
management of the fl eas that infect this bartonellosis, and
that children are educated in the sense of respecting your
pets by not considering them as toys or gift s, and avoiding
contact with stray cats. Finally, it is analyzed because the
State of Jalisco reports most of the cases, it is concluded
that the clinical knowledge of a Pediatric Hospital of these
has increased its detection.
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