2022, Number 3
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Sal Jal 2022; 9 (3)
Efectos del SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) sobre la salud mental
Guzmán-Pantoja JE, Vergara-Radillo LF, Guzmán-Ramos JE, Guzmán-Ramos M, Guzmán-Ramos S, Ramos-Hernández LA
Language: Spanish
References: 19
Page: 177-181
PDF size: 166.55 Kb.
The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic (COVID-19) exposed
the fragility and vulnerability of health systems to
contain mental disorders in catastrophic situations, the
magnitude of this phenomenon generated a syndemic
(Covid 19 - mental health) in which human resources
and materials from health systems worldwide were
significantly exceeded by the high demand of users who
resorted to medical services in search of alternative
psychotherapeutic care. The emotional and affective
manifestations presented were directly related to the
personal, family and social determinants that, when
combined with the economic and labor crisis, triggered
various behavioral alterations and psychopathologies
of atypical presentation and indeterminate clinical
course, which require immediate psychological and
psychiatric attention to avoid permanent damage in
this sphere of health, motivating the implementation
of emerging and unprecedented health strategies for
global public health.
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