2022, Number 5
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Med Int Mex 2022; 38 (5)
Breast cancer in a young male
López-López JL, Atri-Salame N, Borges-Ocejo X, Salame-Waxman D
Language: Spanish
References: 44
Page: 1080-1089
PDF size: 204.33 Kb.
Background: Breast cancer in men is a rare clinical entity; similar to what occurs
in women, its cause is little known and partially characterized.
Clinical case: A 41-year-old male patient with a tumor located in the right breast,
accompanied by mastalgia and galactorrhea. No symptoms B. In extension studies,
anemia and abnormalities in the baseline laboratories related to known chronic renal
failure were found. After extension studies, an intraoperative biopsy was performed,
diagnosing infiltrating ductal carcinoma with a non-specific pattern. Due to a history
of chronic renal failure, right modified radical mastectomy and adjuvant radiotherapy
were given as treatment. Currently, after 2 years of follow-up, the patient is maintained
with tamoxifen-based hormone therapy and is in a disease-free period.
Conclusions: Breast cancer in men, despite being a rare entity, should be taken
into account as a differential diagnosis to be able to offer a relevant treatment in a
timely and adequate manner.
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